Welcome to Hotel Samson , Patnitop , India

Located in the Lower Himalayas and close to the Pir Panjal range, Patnitop holds scenery for the artist and the layman, mountains for the mountaineer, flowers for the Botanist and tall cedar pine forests and emerald green meadows. And never for two days together is this glorious panorama exactly the same. One day, Patnitop is filled with sea of rolling clouds through which gleams of sunshine light up the brilliant green of the meadows below. On another day there is no cloud in the sky and the whole scene will be bathed in a bluey haze.

Discover your own trekking or walking trails in and around Patnitop or go for a lovely drive around the scenic, curving mountain roads, which go through deodar forests and across streams. Enjoy a meal or a drink on our beautiful terrace with a bonfire and gaze at the un-obstructed views that extend as far as the town of Kud or the Natha Top Hills.